Real Acne Treatments

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Acne Treatment Home Remedies

Here are some great acne treatment home remedies. Your acne problem can be eliminated. Your first step is to take care of the acne you already have. Your second step is to stop more acne for accumulating.

To work on your acne problem, you are going to have to give the acne treatment you decide to use anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks to work in order to get complete results. If you see any clearing of your skin within the first week, then that should tell you right there that this is going to work for you. Your skin is looking clear with the treatment you are working with and the scaring will take 6 to 8 weeks to clear up. That's the bottom line. Hang in there.

Here are some tips you can use at home.

1. You can cook some oatmeal and then apply this oatmeal(warm to cold) to your face and leave on your face for at least 15 minutes. Then wash your face and use a mild astringent. This is good to do right before you go to bed once or twice a week.

2. You can apply half lemon juice and half rose water. Use a cotton ball to rub this mixture on you face. Rub gently on your face. Leave this on your skin for 30 minutes and then wash off. Apply this to your skin once a week.

3. If you got a juicer, this will help plenty. Drink some carrot and cucumber juice everyday or start eating carrots and cucumbers everyday.

If you follow these tips, you should start seeing some clearing of the skin. These tips will help clear up the acne you already have and prevent more acne from reappearing. Now, these tips may work for you or they may not. Your skin may react positive to these treatments or it may not. If you see your skin is starting to look clear within a week, then you should stick with these treatments. If you see no change at all in your skin with your acne problem within a week, then you should stop these treatments and find another one to work with.

Don't give up. There are so many treatments out there available for acne. You will eventually find ones that work for you.
Don't worry. You will find acne methods that work just for you. Keep working on this until you do. You can resolve your acne problem. Never give up on finding acne treatments that work for you. You will eventually find the right methods.

Acne Treatment Home Remedies will always be available right here. So make sure you come back for additional tips:)


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